Ranking Profile - Casella Waste Systems Inc


Casella Waste Systems Inc (Casella Waste) is a solid waste management company that offers resource and waste management services. The company's services include landfills, recycling, collection, organics, energy and sustainability services among others. Its recycling services comprise electronic recycling, zero-sort recycling, closed-loop paper recycling and dual-stream recycling services. Casella Waste landfill services include construction and demolition debris, sludge, transportation assistance and solidification of municipal solid waste, drill cuttings, contaminated soils and PCB bulk waste management among others. The company offers its services to municipal, commercial, industrial and institutional markets. Casella Waste is headquartered in Rutland, Vermont, the US.

Company info

Country (HQ): United States
Sector: Environmental and Waste Management Services
Market Cap (US$ m): 4,931
Revenue (US$ m): 1,085 (2022)

Innovation ranking


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Closest peers in the Environmental and Waste Management Services sector

Innovation Ranking


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Environmental and Waste Management Services

Casella Waste Systems Inc

United States

Environmental and Waste Management Services

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