Ranking Profile - China Zhongwang Holdings Ltd


China Zhongwang Holdings Ltd (China Zhongwang), a subsidiary of Zhongwang International Group Ltd, is a manufacturer of metal products. It offers production and sale of industrial aluminum extrusion products. The company offers products such as aluminium extrusion, deep processing and aluminium flat rolling products. The company offers extrusion products such as formworks, aluminium beam for equipment, radiators, LED heat sink, woodworking industry equipment, profiles for electrical power projects, and others. China Zhongwang produces high-precision, large-section and high value-added industrial aluminum extrusion products. The company serves automotive, rail transportation, ship building, aviation, and machinery and equipment industries. It operates in China and Hong Kong. China Zhongwang is headquartered in Liaoyang, China.

Company info

Country (HQ): China
Sector: Metals and Mining
Market Cap (US$ m): 1,176
Revenue (US$ m): 2,957 (2020)

Innovation ranking


Innovation score

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