Ranking Profile - Acutus Medical Inc


Acutus Medical Inc (Acutus Medical) is engaged in providing electrophysiological mapping systems for the treatment of cardiac arrhythmias. It offers various products which include AcQMap system, AcQMap 3D imaging and mapping catheter; and AcQGuide steerable sheath. Acutus Medical’s electrofunctional mapping systems provides solutions to diagnose and treat atrial fibrillation. The company products enable physicians to visualize CT-quality scan, map real-time dipole density, and identify infected locations causing arrhythmia. Acutus Medical is headquartered in Carlsbad, California, the US.

Company info

Country (HQ): United States
Sector: Medical Equipment
Market Cap (US$ m): 25
Revenue (US$ m): 16 (2022)

Innovation ranking


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