Ranking Profile - Ayala Corp
Ayala Corp (Ayala) is a business conglomerate with diversified business operations. It operates in real estate, financial services, water, telecommunications, automotive, power generation, transport infrastructure, electronics manufacturing services, business process outsourcing, education and healthcare industries. Ayala develops large-scale fully integrated residential and commercial communities; develops and sells residential, leisure and commercial lots. The company provides repairs and services for commercial vehicles and passenger cars; aviation including air-chartered services. The company also operates retail community clinics. Ayala’s manufacturing facilities are located in Asia, Europe and North America. The company operates in the Philippines, Japan, the US, Europe and other Asian countries. Ayala is headquartered in Makati, Manila, the Philippines.
Company info
Country (HQ): | Philippines |
Sector: | Construction |
Market Cap (US$ m): | 7,776 |
Revenue (US$ m): | 4,844 (2022) |
Innovation ranking
Innovation score
Closest peers in the Construction sector
Innovation Ranking
China Communications Construction Co Ltd
China Railway Construction Corp Ltd
Ayala Corp
Mitani Sekisan Co Ltd
Mitani Corporation
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