Ranking Profile - Bunzl plc


Bunzl Plc (Bunzl) provides distribution and outsourcing services. The company offers customized and supply chain solutions to its business-to-business (B2B) customers. Its customized service portfolio includes digital solutions; sustainable product solutions; order, delivery and invoice services; and distribution services with a wide range of delivery options including own fleet; and value-added services. The company also offers integrated supply services ranging from procurement to inventory management. Bunzl serves food service, grocery, cleaning and hygiene, safety, retail, healthcare, and other sectors. The company has operations in the Americas, Asia, Europe, the UK, Ireland, and Australia. Bunzl is headquartered in London, England, the UK.

Company info

Country (HQ): United Kingdom
Sector: Wholesale
Market Cap (US$ m): 13,162
Revenue (US$ m): 14,840 (2022)

Innovation ranking


Innovation score

Closest peers in the Wholesale sector

Innovation Ranking


Bunzl plc

United Kingdom


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Toho Holdings Co Ltd



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