Ranking Profile - Aerojet Rocketdyne Holdings Inc


Aerojet Rocketdyne Holdings Inc (AR Holdings) is a developer and manufacturer of aerospace and defense products and systems. It also offers real estate services. The company’s products portfolio includes power and propulsion systems, electric propulsion systems and armament systems. AR Holdings also offers launch propulsion, in-space propulsion, liquid and solid rocket propulsion, missile defense propulsion, tactical missile propulsion and hypersonic propulsion systems. Its real estate services include re-zoning, entitlement, sale, and leasing of its excess real estate assets. AR Holdings’ customers include NASA, Missile Defense Agency (MDA), US Army, US Air Force, US Navy, Other U.S. government, Lockheed Martin, The Boeing Co, United Launch Alliance (ULA), and Raytheon Technologies Corp. The company has business presence in the US and Europe regions. AR Holdings is headquartered in El Segundo, California, the US.

Company info

Country (HQ): United States
Sector: Aerospace and Defense
Market Cap (US$ m): 4,489
Revenue (US$ m): 2,238 (2022)

Innovation ranking


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Closest peers in the Aerospace and Defense sector

Innovation Ranking


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