Ranking Profile - ARB Corporation Ltd


ARB Corporation Ltd (ARB) is a retailer of automobile parts and accessories. The company offers products such as protective equipment, vehicle lighting, old man emu 4x4 suspension, canopies and Ute lids, drawers and cargo barriers, roof racks and roof bars, long-range tanks, recovery equipment, air lockers and accessories, ARB compressors, camping accessories, portable fridge freezers; battery, power and 12V solar solutions and general accessories. It offers ARB compressors such as high output compressors, twin compressors, air locker activation systems and air compressor accessories. The company operates in the US, Australia, Thailand, Czech Republic, New Zealand, United Arab Emirates and the UK. manufacturing plants in Thailand and Australia. ARB is headquartered in Kilsyth, Victoria, Australia.

Company info

Country (HQ): Australia
Sector: Automotive
Market Cap (US$ m): 1,784
Revenue (US$ m): 522 (2022)

Innovation ranking


Innovation score

Closest peers in the Automotive sector

Innovation Ranking


Kia Corp

South Korea


Hyundai Motor Co

South Korea


ARB Corporation Ltd



Trigano SA



Titan International Inc

United States


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