Ranking Profile - Air China Ltd


Air China Ltd (Air China) is a provider of air passenger transport services. It serves several domestic, international, and regional destinations. The company provides aircraft repair, overhaul, and maintenance services through various domestic and international service centers. The company also provides ground services, VIP services, aircraft load balancing services, loading and unloading services, cabin cleaning services, special equipment maintenance services, special passenger services and training services. It operates hubs in Beijing, Chengdu and Shanghai. The company is a member of the Star Alliance, the largest airline network alliance. The company has an operational network in several countries in North America, Asia Pacific, and Europe. Air China is headquartered in Beijing, China.

Company info

Country (HQ): China
Sector: Travel & Tourism
Market Cap (US$ m): 19,413
Revenue (US$ m): 7,862 (2022)

Innovation ranking


Innovation score

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