Ranking Profile - Beijing Strong Biotechnologies Inc


Beijing Strong Biotechnologies Inc (BSBE) is biotechnology company. It offers research and development, manufacture and sales of in vitro diagnostic reagents. The company products include vitro diagnostic reagents, clinical testing equipment, electronic equipment, clinical testing analytical instruments and diagnostic reagents. The company in vitro diagnostic reagents are mainly used in liver, renal, blood fat, glyco metabolism and other fields. The company is also engaged in the manufacture and sales of in vitro diagnostic equipment, leasing of equipment and import and export of goods. The company operates businesses in domestic and overseas markets. BSBE is headquartered in Haidian, Beijing, China.

Company info

Country (HQ): China
Sector: Medical Equipment
Market Cap (US$ m): 1,988
Revenue (US$ m): 225 (2022)

Innovation ranking


Innovation score

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