Ranking Profile - China Yangtze Power Co Ltd


China Yangtze Power Co Ltd (CYPC) is a renewable energy company that offers power distribution and sale services. The company's services include power distribution covering various areas including consultancy, energy procurement, distribution network construction, energy permit trading, and others. It operates three gorges hydropower station, Gezhouba, Xiangjiaba and Xiluodu projects. The company’s business category comprises domestic business, international business, power distribution and selling business and capital operation. It provides hydropower consultancy services to Germany, Brazil, Pakistan, Portugal, and Malaysia. The company has operations in Beijing and Yichang, China. CYPC is headquartered in Beijing, China.

Company info

Country (HQ): China
Sector: Alternative Energy
Market Cap (US$ m): 83,205
Revenue (US$ m): 7,737 (2022)

Innovation ranking


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