Ranking Profile - Cheil Worldwide Inc.


Cheil Worldwide Inc. (Cheil), a subsidiary of Samsung Group, is an advertising and marketing company which provides strategic, creative, media, digital, and experimental solutions at different points of contact. The company collects and analyzes the single-source, real-time, and behavioral data on real time, social media, and solution basis, to understand consumers’ real-time changes. It collects consumer information from panels; mass media such as TV, radio, newspaper, magazines, promotions, events and videos; and new media including internet, IPTV, mobile platforms, and social media. Its principal activates include strategic solution; creative solution; media solution; experiential solution; digital solution and experiential solution. Cheil is headquartered in Seoul, Korea.

Company info

Country (HQ): South Korea
Sector: Business and Consumer Services
Market Cap (US$ m): 1,623
Revenue (US$ m): 3,295 (2022)

Innovation ranking


Innovation score

Closest peers in the Business and Consumer Services sector

Innovation Ranking


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Cheil Worldwide Inc.

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Business and Consumer Services

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