Ranking Profile - AAR Corp


AAR Corp (AAR) provides products and services to the commercial aviation and government markets worldwide. The company offers inventory management; supply chain and maintenance; repair and overhaul services. It offers aviation supply chain, mobility products, warranty claim management, and outsourcing programs. AAR serves commercial, defense, and governmental aircraft fleet operators, independent service providers, original equipment manufacturers, and other service providers, including other domestic and foreign military customers. It operates airframe maintenance and landing gear overhaul facilities in the US states of Florida, Indiana, Oklahoma, Minnesota, Illinois, Miami, and Quebec and Ontario in Canada. The company has business presence across the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa and Asia-Pacific. AAR is headquartered in Wood Dale, Illinois, the US.

Company info

Country (HQ): United States
Sector: Aerospace and Defense
Market Cap (US$ m): 1,869
Revenue (US$ m): 1,820 (2022)

Innovation ranking


Innovation score

Closest peers in the Aerospace and Defense sector

Innovation Ranking


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Aerospace and Defense

AAR Corp

United States

Aerospace and Defense

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