Ranking Profile - Asahi Holdings Inc


Asahi Holdings Inc (Asahi) is a product recycling company that offers precious metal recycling. The company’s business category comprises precious metal recycling, North America refining, environmental preservation business and life and health business. Its precious metal recycling includes e-scrap, dentistry, plating treatment, jewellery, precision cleaning, photography, catalyst, and LCD. Asahi offers services such as waste disposal and recycling. The company provide recycling of waste oil and sludge, wood waste recycling, fire-proof brick recycling, glass recycling, organic waste liquid and sludge recycling. It designs and constructs fire prevention equipment and in the treatment of industrial wastes and specially controlled industrial wastes as well as detoxification of hazardous wastes. Asahi is headquartered in Kobe-shi, Hyogo, Japan.

Company info

Country (HQ): Japan
Sector: Metals and Mining
Market Cap (US$ m): 1,178
Revenue (US$ m): 2,161 (2023)

Innovation ranking


Innovation score

Closest peers in the Metals and Mining sector

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