Ranking Profile - Bruker Corp


Bruker Corp (Bruker) designs, manufactures and sells scientific instruments, and analytical and diagnostic solutions. Bruker offers products used by customers in life science research, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, surface measurement, CBRNE detection, preclinical imaging, food, agriculture, applied markets, cell biology, clinical research, microbiology, in-vitro diagnostics, nanotechnology, and material science research. It offers mass spectrometry technologies, microtomography, magnetic resonance technologies, gas and liquid chromatography, triple quadrupole mass spectrometry technologies, atomic force microscopy, X-ray technologies, spark-optical emission spectroscopy, stylus and optical metrology technology, fluorescence optical microscopy and infrared and Raman molecular spectroscopy technology platforms. The company operates technical and manufacturing centers in Europe, Asia-Pacific and North America. Bruker is headquartered in Billerica, Massachusetts, the US.

Company info

Country (HQ): United States
Sector: Industrial Goods and Machinery
Market Cap (US$ m): 10,896
Revenue (US$ m): 2,531 (2022)

Innovation ranking


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