Ranking Profile - China Spacesat Co Ltd


China Spacesat Co Ltd (China Spacesat), a subsidiary of China Academy of Space Technology, is a technology company that designs, produces and develops small satellites. The company products include CAST100, CAST968, and CAST2000. Its products are used as the representative of three small satellite flexible platform that are used in ocean observations, technical testing, earth observation, space science, and communication, among others. China Spacesat also provides aerospace components such as aerospace power systems, aerospace film heaters, star and ship navigation terminals and other products. The company provides its products for high-tech aerospace enterprises. China Spacesat is headquartered in Beijing, China.

Company info

Country (HQ): China
Sector: Aerospace and Defense
Market Cap (US$ m): 4,691
Revenue (US$ m): 1,225 (2022)

Innovation ranking


Innovation score

Closest peers in the Aerospace and Defense sector

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