Ranking Profile - American Superconductor Corp


American Superconductor Corp (AMSC) is an energy technology company that designs and manufactures power systems and superconductor wires. It also offers engineering planning services, advanced grid systems, and wind turbine electronic controls. The company serves electric utilities, industrial facilities, and renewable energy project developers to transmit and distribute electricity through its power electronics, superconductor-based systems, and transmission planning services. AMSC operates in North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Africa. It has sales and field service offices in China, Germany, India, Australia, Korea, Jordan, and the UK. AMSC is headquartered in Ayer, Massachusetts, and the US.

Company info

Country (HQ): United States
Sector: Alternative Energy
Market Cap (US$ m): 136
Revenue (US$ m): 108 (2022)

Innovation ranking


Innovation score

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