Ranking Profile - AerCap Holdings NV


AerCap Holdings NV (AerCap) is a provider of aircraft leasing and aviation finance services. It provides aircraft management services to securitization vehicles, joint ventures, and other third parties, and is an aircraft trader. It offers assets for lease, including narrowbody and widebody aircraft, regional jets, freighters, engines, and helicopters. The company also offers cash management and administrative services to securitization vehicles and joint ventures. It owns commercial aircraft and engines and manages aircraft. It leases aircraft to various commercial airlines and cargo operators globally. AerCap leases small offices in the US/Canada/Caribbean, Asia/Pacific/Russia, Latin America, and Africa/Middle East. The company operates through a network of subsidiaries in Asia-Pacific, Europe, and the US. AerCap is headquartered in Dublin, Ireland.

Company info

Country (HQ): Ireland
Sector: Business and Consumer Services
Market Cap (US$ m): 14,086
Revenue (US$ m): 6,785 (2022)

Innovation ranking


Innovation score

Closest peers in the Business and Consumer Services sector

Innovation Ranking


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