Ranking Profile - Atlassian Corp Plc


Atlassian Corp (Atlassian) formerly Atlassian Corp Plc, is a software company. It carries out the designing, developing, licensing and maintaining of software, and also offers software hosting service. The company provides products such as Jira software, Jira work management, Jira align, Jira service management, statuspage, Sourcetree, confluence, Trello, opsgenie and bitbucket. It’s Jira, a team planning and project management platform, and confluence, a team content creation and sharing solution. It also offers bitbucket, a team code sharing and management software, as well as a Jira service desk for team services and support applications. The company operates in the US, the Netherlands, Japan, Australia and the Philippines. Atlassian is headquartered in San Francisco, United States.

Company info

Country (HQ): United Kingdom
Sector: Business and Consumer Services
Market Cap (US$ m): 37,019
Revenue (US$ m): 2,803 (2022)

Innovation ranking


Innovation score

Closest peers in the Business and Consumer Services sector

Innovation Ranking


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Business and Consumer Services

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