Ranking Profile - Ciena Corp


Ciena Corp (Ciena) provides communications networking solutions. The company’s offers networking equipment, software and services that support the transport, switching, service delivery, aggregation and management of voice, video and data traffic on communications networks. Its products allow network operators to increase transmission speed, scale capacity, allocate traffic and adapt to user’s changing service demands. Its solutions include networking platforms and converged packet optical routing and switching portfolios. The company serves telecommunications service provider, electric utilities, government, enterprise, research and education institutions, submarine network operators and cable operators. It has business presence across the North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and the Middle East. Ciena is headquartered in Hanover, Maryland, the US.

Company info

Country (HQ): United States
Sector: Technology and Communications
Market Cap (US$ m): 6,638
Revenue (US$ m): 3,633 (2022)

Innovation ranking


Innovation score

Closest peers in the Technology and Communications sector

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