Ranking Profile - Akers Biosciences Inc


MyMD Pharmaceuticals, Inc (MyMD), formerly, Akers Biosciences Inc is a medical device company that develops, manufactures and supplies point-of-care screening and testing products. The company provides clinical diagnostics, safety diagnostics, and wellness products. ABI products include BreathScan alcohol detectors, CHUBE, METRON, PIFA PLUSS PF4, tri-cholesterol, PIFA chlamydia, PIFA dengue fever, PIFA malaria, PIFA syphilis, PIFA heparin, and breath ketone. The company provides testing platform technologies, which include micro particle catalyzed biosensor, particle immune-filtration assay, rapid enzymatic assay, rapid blood cell separation, and synthetic macrocycle complex. The company serves medical clinicians, individuals, corporations, and law enforcement agencies, health professionals. MyMD is headquartered in Baltimore, Maryland, in the US.

Company info

Country (HQ): United States
Sector: Medical Equipment
Market Cap (US$ m): 80
Revenue (US$ m):

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