Aeroplane pilots and air traffic controllers hold passenger safety in the palms of their hands. Airports must provide training on how to operate the planes in the air or on the ground and the equipment in the towers.
MCX offers a real-world simulation environment that can save airports critical time and money. Training pilots or ATCs on a simulator before clearing them to operate and guide real airplanes is non-negotiable and preserving human lives depends on this.
An MCX simulation replicates the scenarios the pilots or ATCs will experience in reality, with video walls created to mirror the current tower scenario, sensors to mimic feel, controls to operate it, and displays that present real-life airport environments to train in and that present real-time responses to actions. ATCs and pilots are thus enabled to simulate every possible airport situation, along with the associated stress management inherent to guiding planes, and they can do so in a controlled environment that does not risk personal injury or damage to the actual equipment.
MCX distributes, extends, splits, and switches ultra-high performance audio/video for display to trainers and trainees. Instantaneous transmission is essential to duplicating a real world environment. Instead of installing individual hardware extenders, switches, and splitters that connect source equipment to displays via standard AV cabling, MCX is a simpler solution, consisting of transcoders that connect either sources or displays, and a controller. MCX is an all-in-one solution for distributing the audio/video used in the training simulators. The system eliminates the constraints of individual hardware components, while delivering ultra-high definition video and audio with instantaneous reaction time to provide the required real-world environment, as a mere millisecond delay in response could lead to an unfavourable outcome in the air or on the ground.
The MCX controller connects to the network, providing complete control of the system and allowing the distribution of video sources to any display(s) required, to present content in a video wall format across multiple monitors in any desired layout on and across the screens, all while managing the security of the system by limiting access to only specified users.
MCX is the ideal solution to simulate the airport scenarios for training purposes. It also supports USB for pilot or ATC inputs such as pedals, joysticks, and yokes. Audio support allows condition alarms such as stall and collision warnings, beacon passes, and depth echoes.
The MCX solution accurately and effectively replicates real-world conditions with simulators, providing an authentic training experience for trainees to prepare them to work flawlessly when piloting or guiding an airplane, and to react quickly to airport events and crises. Because it works with 4K, multi-view, video wall, and other setups, the MCX AV over IP system gives the airport personnel the ability to implement new features and capabilities into their simulation environment in the future without having to buy a different system.
Black Box MCX AV over IP is revolutionising pilot and ATC simulation training, providing an immersive, dynamic, and effective learning environment. The application of MCX AV over IP in training enhances the audio video experience, replicates real-time scenarios, enables seamless distribution of content, promotes collaboration during debriefing, and offers scalability and flexibility for evolving training needs. The advanced technology of MCX AV over IP improves simulation training programs, resulting in increased aviation safety and efficiency.